Headteachers Welcome
a love of learning and a love of life...
I am very proud of all the achievements of our children but I truly believe we have to do more than educate, we work hard to inspire our children so they develop ‘a love of learning and a love of life’.
We have an obligation to give all the children in our care the very best education and childhood we can!

Our staff are committed to making learning exciting and interesting
We have designed a ‘Courageous curriculum’. Each termly project starts with a key enquiry question and develops the children’s philosophical enquiry kick-starting their curiosity. Concept words make connections across subjects, for example justice, beauty and humility.
The curriculum is skills based, allowing deeper learning and is split into three projects, one for each term, Create, Explore and Discover. An authentic outcome and critical audience means a real goal to work towards, building motivation and raising expectations and expertise whilst developing awareness of professions and careers.
Finally, the critique enables the production of beautiful work, positive feedback and growth mindset.
Alongside organised visits and visitors linked to learning, there are also many opportunities to develop personal interests through the many sports, enrichment activities and after school clubs which range from gardening, to origami, to starting their own camp fires!

Our outdoor learning space
The school is set in the stunning countryside and every child within our school knows about the environment and how we can take care of it.
They work in the gardens and pond as well as taking care of our pet chickens, through that closeness to the natural world, they come to appreciate the wonder of creation.
There is a very real sense of community
We are school family. We are also part of a larger Christian community and the five parishes, as well as being national and global citizens. Through charitable work we teach humility and thankfulness.