Great Easton
Church of England (VA) Primary School

Snow Hill, Great Easton, Essex CM6 2DR

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Meet the Team

"all staff feel valued and supported. Staff acknowledge your ‘positive and inspiring leadership’, saying that ‘to be teaching at Great Easton is an absolute pleasure."

Our School Prospectus gives full details of who works at and with our school.

Key details are also below:


Claire Jackman – Headteacher and Designated Person for Child Protection and Mental Health Lead and Health and Safety Lead.

Miss Laura Wilson – Reception & Year 1 teacher, English & Phonics and PSHCE Subject Leader

Miss Jess Wadforth –  Year 1&2 teacher

Mrs Sophie Delaney – Year 3&4 teacher, Music, D&T and High Potential Learning Subject Leader

Miss Sam Govey – Year 4&5 teacher, Maths, RE and Art Subject Leader

Miss Holly Miles – Year 5&6 teacher, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Designated Person for CP/CLA and Geography, History and PE Subject Leader

Mrs Kathryn Mayle – SENCO and MFL Leader

Mrs Stacey Lawrence – SenCo, Forest Schools & Science Subject Leader

(Computing is led by all teachers).

EYFS and KS1 additional support

Leanne Sutton– lunchtimes
Debbie Perriment –Interventions

The Nest (R/1)
Class teacher – Laura Wilson 
General LSA – Alison Bush
SEND LSAs – Louisa Bowman-Dove, Chelsea Ims, Clare Boeve, Kate Limmer, Jenny Askew, Kim Mckenzie-Rock and Leanne Sutton lunchtime cover.

The Burrow (1/2)
Class teacher – Jess Wadforth
General LSA – Tracy Sadler 
SEND LSAs – Angela Madigan, Carla Stocker, Nicola Smith and Leanne Sutton lunchtime cover.

KS2 additional support

Helen Williams – interventions 
Tracy Stevens – mentoring 

The Sett (3/4)
Class teacher – Sophie Delaney
General LSA – Claire Smith
SEND LSAs –Louise Mortlock, Cat Smith and Poppy Saunders.

The Warren (4/5)
Class teacher – Sam Govey
General LSA – Ieuan Bush
SEND LSAs – Amanda Taylor, Nicola Smith, Alison Rumbold and Louise Mortlock.

The Hive (5/6)
Class teacher – Holly Miles
General LSA – Sharon Williamson
SEND LSAs – Elyse Steele, Jo Wilkinson and Sharon Williamson

Administration Team:

Sharon Scott – Business Manager and Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection
Mrs Linda Thake – Administration, Attendance and Health and Safety Assistant

Catering Staff:

Mrs Nicky Blake – Catering Manager
Mrs Shelle Bar – Assistant Cook
Mrs Lorraine Sayer – Catering Assistant

Midday Assistants:

Claire Smith (MDA Supervisor), Ieuan Bush, Claire Boeve, Alison Rumbold and Nicola Smith.

Sports Coach:

Nick Wilderspin

Peripatetic Music Teachers:

Bex Bennett (piano)  and music teachers from Essex Music Services (Kate singing, James guitar/ukelele and woodwind and Adam drums)


Andrew Bush


Cleaning company